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When You Want To Tell If He Is Into You Or Not Into You

In this information age it’s my belief that we should be able to make smarter choices when it comes time to make the most important decision in life; namely finding a life-long partner. This is by far the most important thing in life to get right.

We’re all good at making friends… at school and in life, we can easily tell when we meet a kindred spirit, someone we like and are comfortable being around with, and we know how to relate with them in a way that gives them pleasure – and doesn’t cause them pain. And they do likewise.

Finding such friends typically happens almost instinctively.

And yet, when it comes to dating, so many good, smart, otherwise-logical people end up choosing a life partnership that leaves them dissatisfied and unhappy!

Dating can be treacherous… that’s part of the reason why many make this mistake.

For young women it’s critically important today to be able to tell very quickly if a guy you’re dating is truly into you – and not a player. Because there seems to be a shortage of nice guys who want stability, love and a fulfilling relationship.

Here’s a snapshot of the dating scene for young women in the 2020’s

You have a prolific self-help dating books “industry” that’s putting out diametrically opposite messaging for men and women:

Almost all of the books for men are geared towards helping them be better players, to get more phone numbers, to get more dates, to get more sex. There’s seduction and there’s PUA (Pick-Up Artist) genres – and there’s pheromone sprays that give men an unfair advantage with sexual attraction.

The assumption seems to be that men don’t want stability, and love, and a fulfilling relationship. That a man can settle down whenever he wants – so there’s no point in giving him instructions!

The messaging women are getting is the exact opposite… Almost all the self-help dating books that are geared towards women are about being a great woman, to find stability, to find great relationships, to find love, to find marriage. The assumption seems to be that women don’t date to get laid – they date to get married. That a woman can get sex whenever she wants – so there’s no point in giving her instructions.

Another factor is that men don’t look at marriage the same way that women do. To a woman, marriage sounds like security, love, future, closeness, etc. To men, it usually means responsibility, lack of freedom, lack of options, stress, etc.

Then you have the lop-sided ratio when it comes to educated women versus educated men… It was predicted that by 2023, in the United States, women college graduates would outnumber men by 47%. Here’s what Jon Birger said about this imbalance in Dateonomics years back:

“Men are buyers. Women are sellers. And when there are too many sellers, the buyers have control and can drive the prices down. Specifically for sex.

“If a guy can get a woman to come to his house for sex without a phone call, without dinner and a movie, and without exclusivity, what incentive does he have to stop?

“Lopsided gender ratios turn some nice guys into monsters.”

It would seem that women’s dating today is a really frustrating experience, to say the least. In “Is He Really Into Me: He Blew Me Off Before, Had Relationship Problems, Got Back To Me And My Interest Is Rekindled?” you will get:

  • A checklist to determine if a guy is into you. Stop wasting time on men who are just not into you.
  • Tips and testimonials from women who used the checklist and experienced the freedom that it gives women – their dating lives got so much better.
  • How to tell (and what to do) when a guy is incredibly into you but there’s a real reason why the relationship won’t work.
  • Lots more tips and insights from women who’ve been there and paid the price.

If you’re one of those women who take a kind gesture, compliment, or intense conversation with a guy and so completely distort it that it literally gets reborn in your head as, “Wow. He is obviously hot for me. Clearly, we were destined to be. Yes, I will have his babies” you better download a copy of this guide because the dating scene in 2024 and beyond will get terribly treacherous for women like you.

The “system” is mass producing players to prey on young women who are in the dating game with the goal of finding Mr. Right and settling down.

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